Getting Started with ESP8266 NodeMCU using Arduino
2024 is the revolution for IOT (Internet of things). The market is getting spread to explore IOT technology for their respective businesses. Every business is looking for the opportunity to implement IOT technology and some are already leading the market. As the market is already leading this technology and some are exploring to make it […]
Interfacing water sensor with AVR
Blog DSS#002 On these days water level indicator provides a great relieve with its simple mechanism. It is as simple as detect and indicate water level in water tank / water reservoir by activating applied features. Some can detect water load and enable/disable pump eclectic supply, or some can blow alarm beyond water level. ” […]
ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) in AVR
Blog #DSS003 Introduction to ADC An ADC is used to convert an analogue signal such as a DC voltage to a digital form.The same digital form (binary format) will be processed to micro controller. What is Analog to Digital converter?Analog to Digital conversion (ADC) is an electronic process in which a continuously a voltage (AnalogSignal) is […]